A Drive To Home.

They say you can never go home and it’s true. The photo of home is not my own I must admit, it’s borrowed off a post but I love it so whoever took it has my thanks as it’s lovely.

So here’s the thing you go back to find all has changed, the cafe you loved has been renamed. The streets bear hardly a resemblance to memories you hold and strangers walk the paths you once called your own. Even the home you grew up in has been demolished and renovated to within an inch of its of its life.

We had taken a trip to the Mount to visit my elderly mother who has lived to a great age old enough to make you hope you never live so long. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be. 

Along the way we followed the route over the hills from Thames a town that once held the prospect of much grief every time duty called. A long story from a previous life and best forgotten really otherwise the nightmares may return. Oh but it is still a great drive and the visas are just as awesome as they ever were. I decided to revisit all the beaches along the way just to torment myself with indecision as to where live forever. Australia or New Zealand who knows love them both and then as a lightbulb dimly came on inside our heads we realised no need to to fret we can have it all. One day we will come back and buy a summer home for NZ and the gypsy life can continue in Australia with the caravan until we are marched off protesting to the oldies final abode. Thing is the memories will be good and pray we still can recall them.

Note the soft light and evidence of rain a lot of rain and how gentle the landscape looks. The shades of green too many to count brightened by the flash of colour from the spring blossoms lift ones heart.

That evening we spent at Whangamata with old friends and inspirational friends at that. Our long time friend is a picture of health showing the advantage of a lifetime vegetarian diet and has an enviable trimness to boot. Right I firmly told my man that’s it the meat goes. He blanched a little and pointed out it has been gone for quite some time and has become a bit of a rare treat. No matter I said and resolved to collect my old vegetarian cookbooks and take them home to create more weight and clutter in the van and possibly even cook from them. Our vege friend is blessed with a garden full of gorgeous fruit trees and a magnificent vegetable garden he has worked in for a lifetime. Gosh I hope the developers never get hold of his land and bulldoze it as happens so much. We were rather saddened when we made a visit to Omokoroa a wee village close to Tauranga and one of those beautiful spots one wishes to live in to find it in the process of being ripped to pieces for yet more development. All the orchards torn up and trees removed is heartbreaking to see.

Waihi Beach still grabs us and will always be the dream I think, long beach ideal to walk on and we were rather thrilled to see all the older folks out bike riding and strolling the beach. If the temperatures could be jacked up a little it would give Queensland a run for their money. 

Once we reached the Mount on a beautiful day it was a joy to see the beautiful harbour and the iconic Mount we all love so much. Home always grabs your heart until you see the changes but what the heart holds is truely the home you love.

The tickets have been brought to return to Australia this weekend and pick up the van and it seems to be our real home these days. Who would have thought one would be looking forward to a small space again. Hopefully we can spend a bit of time on the Gold Coast before we head to Victoria and more Housesitting and the three fat Labradors again. 

So at the end of it all home is wherever we go as long as we keep moving.